

M. Oliferko-Storck, Julian Fontana. Wirtuoz w cieniu Chopina [Julian Fontana: A Virtuoso in the Shadow of Chopin], Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2024 (in print)

M. Oliferko, Fontana and Chopin in Letters, extended edition, translated into English by John Comber, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2013, ISBN: 978-83-61142-97-3, pp. 222

M. Oliferko, Fontana i Chopin w listach [Fontana and Chopin in Letters], Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2009, ISBN: 978-83-61142-02-7, pp. 207

Articles and essays

M. Oliferko-Storck, Feminization and Masculinization of Musical Means as a Tool of Dialogue Between the Composers and Audience in the First Half of the 19th Century, in: Through the Prism of Chopin: Reimagining the 19th Century, ed. by Jeffrey Kallberg and Jim Samson, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2024 (in print)

M. Oliferko-Storck, Cudowne dzieci jako fenomen muzycznej sceny metropolii i prowincji [Child Prodigies as a Phenomenon of the Musical Scene of Metropolises and Provinces], in: Długi wiek XIX w muzyce. Pytania – problemy – interpretacje [Long 19th Century in Music: Questions – Problems – Interpretations], vol. IV, ed. by Grzegorz Zieziula and Małgorzata Sułek, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2024 (in print)

M. Oliferko-Storck, Polish Paris: The Soundscape of «la petite Pologne» in 1830s and 1840s, in: Romanticism in Music: Poland in its European Context, ed. by Jeffrey Kallberg, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2024 (in print)

M. Oliferko-Storck, Nieznane aspekty aktywności Chopina w środowisku polskich organizacji w Paryżu – zarys problematyki [Unknown Aspects of Chopin’s Activity in the Environment of Polish Organizations in Paris – An Outline], in: Długi wiek XIX w muzyce. Pytania – problemy – interpretacje [Long 19th Century in Music: Questions – Problems – Interpretations], vol. III, ed. by Grzegorz Zieziula and Małgorzata Sułek, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2024 (in print)

M. Oliferko-Storck, The Napoleonic Warsaw: The Emperor’s Sojourns and the French Culture in the Soundscape of the Capital of Poland before Chopin, in: The Sound of Empire: Soundscapes, Aesthetics and Performance between «Ancien Régime» and Restoration, ed. by Federico Gon and Emmanuel Reibel, Turnhout: Brepols 2023 (Speculum Musicae, 51), pp. 41–75

M. Oliferko-Storck, Cosmopolitan and National Dance Elements in the Nineteenth-Century Music as Sociological Phenomena, in: The Element of Dance in Music of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, ed. by Grzegorz Zieziula, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2023, pp. 111–161

M. Oliferko-Storck, Between Brillante Style and Exalted ‘di Bravoura’ Virtuosity: The Integration of Musical Form in the Output of Composers from Chopin’s Circle, in: The Integration of a Work: from Miniature to Large Scale, ed. by Zofia Chechlińska and Jim Samson, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2022, pp. 163–209

M. Oliferko, Recepcja Chopina oraz kompozytorów z jego artystycznego milieu jako świadectwo życia społecznego w XIX wieku [Reception of Chopin and the Composers from his Artistic Milieu as an Evidence of the Social Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth-Century], in: Długi wiek XIX w muzyce. Pytania – problemy – interpretacje [Long 19th Century in Music: Questions – Problems – Interpretations], vol. I, ed. by Grzegorz Zieziula and Małgorzata Sułek, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2020, pp. 255–275

M. Oliferko, Hexaméron: An Instrumental di Bravura Song or a Musical Study of Character Psychology, in: The Lyric and the Vocal Element in Instrumental Music of the Nineteenth Century, ed. by Kamila Stępień-Kutera, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2017, pp. 213–249 

M. Oliferko, Chopin – Liszt – Fontana: Intertextuelle Verbindungen, in: Chopin 1810-2010: Ideas – Interpretations – Influences, ed. by Irena Poniatowska and Zofia Chechlińska, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2017, pp. 485502

M. Oliferko, Historyczne organy dla Gdańska [Historic Organ for Gdansk], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 60 (2016) No. 2, pp. 92–94

M. Oliferko, „Moje życie, gdzie mieszka B[r]zowski?” – glosa do datowania korespondencji Chopina [My Life, Where is B[r]zowski Staying?’: A Gloss on Dating Chopin’s Letters], ‘Muzyka’ 60 (2015) No. 2, pp. 107–113

M. Oliferko, Z drugiej strony Chopinowskiego zwierciadła – paryski świat Juliana Fontany [On the Other Side of the Chopin’s Mirror: The Parisien World of Julian Fontana], ‘Muzyka’ 60 (2015) No. 1, pp. 1–51

M. Oliferko, Zapomniane dzieła organowe Händla [Forgotten Organ Works by G.F. Handel],‘Liturgia Sacra’ 20 (2014), No. 2, pp. 479–491

M. Oliferko, Nieznane listy Chopina [Chopin’s Unknown Letters], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 58 (2014) No. 8, pp. 84–87

M. Oliferko, Fryderyk Chopin i Towarzystwo Politechniczne Polskie w Paryżu – nieznana korespondencja oraz aspekty emigracyjnej aktywności Chopina [Frédéric Chopin and the Polish Polytechnical Society in Paris: The Unknown Correspondence and the Aspects of Chopin’s Emigracy Activities], ‘Muzyka’ 59 (2014) No. 2, pp. 37–60

M. Oliferko, Chopin and Liszt in Fontana’s Cuban Episode, in: «Grandeur et finesse»: Chopin, Liszt and the Parisian Musical Scene, ed. by Luca Sala, Turnhout: Brepols 2013 (Speculum Musicae, 20), pp. 311–326

M. Oliferko, Julian Fontana. Wirtuoz czy poeta fortepianu [Julian Fontana: A Virtuoso or a Poet of the Piano?], in: Jan Ekier – artysta stulecia w darze Chopinowi [Jan Ekier: An Artist of the Century as a Gift for Chopin], ed. by Irena Poniatowska, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2013, pp. 348–362

M. Oliferko, Nieznane karty genealogii Juliana Fontany [Unknown Pages in the Genealogy of Julian Fontana], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 57 (2013) No. 18, pp. 38–40

M. Oliferko, Julian Fontana: Between Individuality and Imitation, in: After Chopin: Influence of Chopin’s Music on European Composers till the First World War, ed. by Artur Szklener, Warsaw: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2012, pp. 45–65 

M. Oliferko, Improwizacja i inegalizacja a zapis muzyczny baroku [Improvisation and Inequality in the Music Notation of Baroque], in: ‘Polski Rocznik Muzykologiczny’ vol. 10 (2012), pp. 93–111

M. Oliferko, Archiwum Ludwika Bronarskiego. Zapomniana skarbnica chopinowska [The Archive of Prof. Ludwik Bronarski in Freiburg (CH): The Forgotten Chopin‘s Treasury], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 56 (2012) No. 4, pp. 30–31

M. Oliferko, Julian Fontana na Kubie [Julian Fontana in Cuba], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 55 (2011) No. 14, pp. 32–36

M. Oliferko, Koncert Fontany w sali Érarda: Sukces czy porażka? [Fontana’s Concert at the Salle Érard: Success or Failure?], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 54 (2010) No. 12, pp. 36–39 

M. Oliferko, Przyjaźń czy animozja? Nieznane aspekty relacji Fontany i Chopina [Friendship or Animosity? Unknown Aspects of the Relationship between Chopin and Fontana], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 54 (2010) No. 2, pp. 30–34       

Book reviews   

M. Oliferko-Storck, Chopin w pejzażu wizji poetyckich [Chopin in the Landscape of Poetic Visions], review of the book by Prof. Irena Poniatowska Chopin w poezji [Chopin in the Poetry], Warsaw 2020, ‘Muzyka’ 69 (2024) No. 1, pp. 133–144

M. Oliferko-Storck, Review of the book L’Œuvre de Frédéric Chopin: Manuscrits – Partitions annotées – Bibliographies et Catalogue d’une collection d’éditions anciennes Bertrand Jaeger, Peter Lang [Publications de la Société Suisse de Musicologie, Série II – Vol. 60), 2020], ‘Chopin Review’ 4–5 (2021–2022), pp. 183–191

M. Oliferko, Listy Chopina à l’anglaise [Chopin’s Letters à l’anglaise], review of the book Chopin’s Polish Letters, translated by Prof. David Frick, ed. by John Comber, Warsaw 2016], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 61 (2017) No. 5, pp. 82–84

M. Oliferko, Warszawa Chopina [Chopin’s Warsaw], review of the book by Prof. Halina Goldberg Music in Chopin’s Warsaw, New York 2008, Warsaw 2016, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 61 (2017) No. 1, pp. 78–80

M. Oliferko, Korespondencja sztuk w muzyce fortepianowej Liszta [Correspondence of Arts in the Piano Music by Liszt], review of the book by Dr. Hab. Malgorzata Gamrat Muzyka fortepianowa Franza Liszta z lat 1835–1855 w kontekście idei «correspondance d’arts» [Piano Works of Franz Liszt from 1835–1855 in the Context of the Idea of «Correspondance d’Arts»], Warsaw 2014, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 60 (2016) No. 10, pp. 78–79 

M. Oliferko, Chopin w salonie Rothschildów [Chopin in the Rothschilds’ Salon], review of the book by Prof. Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger Chopin and the Baroness Nathaniel de Rothschild, Warsaw 2016, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 60 (2016) No. 5, pp. 78–79 

M. Oliferko, Chopinowskich autografów ciąg dalszy [Chopin’s Autographs Continued], review of the latest volumes of the facsimile edition of the music manuscripts of Chopin: Polonaises Op. 40 | Mazurka in A flat Major op.posth | Polonaise in A flat Major Op. 53, Warsaw 2015, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 59 (2016) No. 3, pp. 86–87

M. Oliferko, Czy Chopin był hermafrodytą? [Was Chopin a Hermaphrodite?], review of the book by Prof. Jeffrey Kallberg Chopin at the Boundaries: Sex, History and Musical Genre, Warsaw 2013, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 59 (2015) No. 6, pp. 80–81

M. Oliferko, Tellefsen w muzycznej kulturze XIX wieku [Tellefsen in the Music Culture of the 19th Century], review of the book by Dr. Ingrid Loe Dalaker Thomas Tellefsen w norweskiej i francuskiej kulturze muzycznej [Thomas Tellefsen in French and Norwegian Music Culture], Warsaw 2014, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 58 (2014) No. 11, pp. 86–87

M. Oliferko, Bach à la polonaise, review of the book by Dr. Hab. Szymon Paczkowski Styl polski w muzyce Johanna Sebastiana Bacha [Polish Style in the Music of J.S. Bach], Lublin 2011, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 58 (2014) No. 9, pp. 85–86

M. Oliferko, Chopin i jego muzyczny kosmos [Chopin and His Musical Cosmos], review of the book by Prof. Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger L’Univers musical de Chopin, Cracow 2010, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 57 (2013) No. 12, pp. 37-38

M. Oliferko, Feliks Nowowiejski w nowej odsłonie [The New Face of Felix Nowowiejski], review of the book by Dr. Ireneusz Wyrwa Problematyka wykonawcza utworów organowych Feliksa Nowowiejskiego w świetle poglądów estetycznych kompozytora [The Performance Practice of the Organ Works F. Nowowiejskis in the Context of His Aesthetic Views], Lublin 2011, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 57 (2013) Nr. 10, p. 38 

M. Oliferko, Händel. Niewolnik sławy [Händel: The Slave of Fame], review of the book by Prof. Christopher Hogwood, Händel, London 1984, Cracow 2010, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 55 (2011) No. 20, pp. 36-37

M. Oliferko, Dwa oblicza Chopina [Two Faces of Chopin], review of the book by Prof. Mieczysław Tomaszewski Chopin. Fenomen i paradoks [Chopin: The Phenomenon and the Paradox], Lublin 2009, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 55 (2011) No. 13, p. 39

M. Oliferko, Listy Chopina na nowo odczytane [The Letters of Chopin as Interpreted Anew], review of the book Korespondencja Fryderyka Chopina [Chopin’s Correspondance], vol. I (1816-1831), ed. by Prof. Zofia Helman, Prof. Zbigniew Skowron and Hanna Wróblewska-Straus, Warsaw 2009, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 54 (2010) No. 23, pp. 34–35

M. Oliferko, Jak słuchamy Chopina [How Do We Listen to Chopin?], review of the book by Prof. Irena Poniatowska W kręgu recepcji i rezonansu muzykiSzkice chopinowskie [In the Circle of Reception and Resonance of Music: Chopin’s Sketches], Warsaw 2008, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 54 (2010) No. 15, pp. 33-34

CD reviews   

M. Oliferko, Strukturalna pełnia [The Structural Fullness], review of the CD by Szymon Nehring Chopin. 12 Etudes Op. 25, Polonaise in F Sharp Minor Op. 44, Mazurkas Op. 33, NIFC 2016, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’  60 (2017) No. 11, p. 84

M. Oliferko, Potęga ekspresji [Power of Expression], review of the CD by Łukasz Krupiński, Espressione… From Bolzano to San Marino, DUX 2016], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 60 (2017) No. 7, p. 79

M. Oliferko, Energia Shishkina [Shishkin’s Energy], review of the CD by Dmitry Shishkin Chopin – 3 Etudes Op. 10, Polonaise in A flat Major, Sonata in B flat Minor Op. 35, Scherzo in B flat Minor Op. 31, Fantaisie-Impromptu, NIFC 2016], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 60 (2017) No. 5, p. 88

M. Oliferko, Geniusz sonorystki [The Genius of Sonority], review of the CD by Georgij Osokins Chopin – Sonata in B MinorBerceuseMazurkas Op. 59Barcarolle in F sharp MajorNocturne in B Major, NIFC 2016], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 60 (2017) No. 3, p. 82

M. Oliferko, Ku doskonałości [To Perfection], review of the CD by Charles Richard-Hamelin Chopin – Sonata in B Minor, Nocturnes, Polonaises, Mazurkas Op. 33, NIFC 2016], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 60 (2017) No. 1, p. 72

M. Oliferko, Między poezją a precyzją [Between Poetry and Precision], review of the CD by Eric Lu Chopin – 24 Preludes, Mazurkas, Etudes, Nocturnes, NIFC 2016], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 59 (2016) No. 12, p. 82

M. Oliferko, Konkursowa Kate Liu [Kate Liu Known from the Competiton], review of the CD by Kate Liu Chopin – Mazurkas Op. 56, Ballade f Minor, Sonata Op. 58, NIFC 2016], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 59 (2016) No. 11, p. 82

M. Oliferko, Koncerty Chopina według Brüggena [Chopin Piano Concertos under Brüggen], review of the CD by Dang Thai Son / Frans Brüggen Chopin – Concertos 1 & 2, 2015, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 59 (2016) No. 1, p. 85

M. Oliferko, Mistyczny dotyk Pires [The Mystical Touch of Pires], review of the CD by Maria João Pires, Chopin – Piano Concerto in F Minor | Nocturnes, NIFC 2015], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 58 (2015) No. 11, p. 75

M. Oliferko, Prostota doskonałości Peryklejskiej [The Simplicity of Pericles’ Perfection], review of the CD Pasquale Anfossi. Oratorio la Morte di San Filippo Neri, DUX 2015, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 58 (2015) No. 10, p. 84

M. Oliferko, Zapomniane klejnoty z Gostynia [The Forgotten Treasures of Gostyn], review of the CD Musica Sacromontana, Józef Zeidler | Antoni Habel, DUX 2015, ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 59 (2015) No. 10, p. 86

M. Oliferko, Schnabel na Świętej Górze [Schnabel on The Holy Mountain], review of the CD Musica Sacromontana. Joseph Schnabel, DUX 2014], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 58 (2014) No. 9, p. 88

M. Oliferko, Klawesynowa perła Gdańska [The Harpsichord Pearl of Danzig], review of the CD by Alina Ratkowska Johann Jeremias du Grain. Complete Harpsichord Concertos, Sarton Records 2012], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 58 (2014) No. 6, p. 82     


M. Oliferko-Storck, Dama polskiej muzykologii. Prof. Irena Poniatowska w 90-lecie urodzin [The First Lady of Polish Musicology: Prof. Irena Poniatowska on her 90th Anniversary], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 67 (2023) No. 14, p. 3

M. Oliferko, ONZ w hołdzie Rubinsteinowi [The United Nations Organisation Pays Tribute to Artur Rubinstein], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 58 (2015) No. 8, p. 68

M. Oliferko, Jak Kuba Chopinowi… Chopinowskie święto w Hawanie [Chopin Got What He Deserved … Chopin Festival in Havana], ‘Ruch Muzyczny’ 54 (2010) No. 20, pp. 26–27    

Conferences and congresses

International Conference Musical Interpretation and Performance from the 19th to the 21st Century, Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Palazzetto Bru Zane – Centre de musique romantique française, Bergamo (IT), 10-12 November 2023

  • Lecture: Between Europe and America: Public Concert as a Product on the Market in the First Half of the 19th Century (print: see «Articles and essays»)

International Conference Romanticism in Music: Poland in its European Context, National Chopin Institute (NIFC), Warsaw (PL), 17–19 October 2023

  • Lecture: Polish Paris: The Soundscape of «la petite Pologne» in 1830s and 1840s (print: see «Articles and essays»)

4th Symposium of the Historians of the XIXth Century Music, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), Warscaw (PL), 30 May–1 June 2023

  • Lecture: Cudowne dzieci jako fenomen sceny muzycznej metropolii i prowincji [Child Prodigies as a Phenomenon of the Music Scene of the Metropolis and Provinces (print: see «Articles and essays»)

Science conference in the series «Dessine moi mon Pologne», Société historique et littéraire polonaise de Paris, Paris (FR), 2 May 2023

  • Lecture: Jules Fontana: Le virtuose et l‘ami plus proche de Frédéric Chopin. Relations personelles et intertextuelles (print: in preparation)

International Science Conference Chopin tra il suono e il segno, Conservatorio Martini Bologna (IT), 29 April 2023

  • Lecture: Œuvres Posthumes: The Real Chopin? (print: in preparation)

4th International Chopinological Congress Through the Prism of Chopin: Reimagining the XIXth Century, National Chopin Institute (NIFC), Warsaw (PL), 1–4 December 2021 (6–9 May 2021)

  • Lecture: Feminization and Masculinization of Musical Means as a Tool of Dialogue Between the Composers and Audience in the First Half of the XIXth Century (print: see «Articles and essays»)

International Scientific Conference Chopin in South America, Grand Chopin Meeting, The International Federation of Chopin Societies, Warsaw (PL), 16 October 2021

  • Lecture: The Reception of Chopin’s Music in Cuba between 1840s and 1860s: Julian Fontana – Louis Moreau Gottschalk and Mazurka Mélancolique

2nd Symposium of the Historians of the XIXth Century Music, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), Warsaw (PL), 11–12 March 2020

  • Lecture: Chopin w środowisku Klubu Polskiego oraz innych polskich organizacji w Paryżu [Chopin in the Milieu of the Polish Club and (print: see «Articles and essays»)

International Conference The Element of Dance in Music of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, National Chopin Institute (NIFC), Warsaw (PL), 20–22 November 2019

  • Lecture: Cosmopolitan and National Dance Elements in the Nineteenth-Century Music as Sociological Phenomena (print: see «Articles and essays»)

1st Symposium of the Historians of the XIXth Century Music, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), Warsaw (PL), 14–15 March 2019

  • Lecture: Reception of Chopin and the Composers from his Artistic Milieu as an Evidence of the Social Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth-Century (print: see «Articles and essays»)

International Conference The Integration of a Work: from Miniature to Large Scale, National Chopin Institute (NIFC), Warsaw (PL), 26–28 September 2018

  • Lecture: Between Style Brillant and ‘Pathétique’ Virtuosity: The Integration of Musical Form in the Output of Composers from Chopin’s Circle (print: see «Articles and essays»)

International Conference The Lyric and the Vocal Element in Instrumental Music of the Nineteenth Century, National Chopin Institute (NIFC), Radziejowice Palace (PL), 16–18 September 2016

  • Lecture: Hexaméron: An Instrumental di Bravura Song or a Musical Study of Character Psychology (print: see «Articles and essays»)

43. International Conference Muzyka wśród innych sztuk – związki i inspiracje  [Music Among Other Arts – Relationships and Inspirations], Association of Polish Composers (ZKP), Bydgoszcz (PL), 9–11 October 2014

  • Lecture: „Twój geniusz nie ma osiąść na fortepianie i koncertach, Ty z oper masz się unieśmiertelnić.” – Chopina inspiracje dramatyczną sceną [„Your Genius is Not Supposed to Rest on the Piano and Concerts, it is Operas That Should Immortalize You.“ – Chopin’s Inspirations with the Drama]

42. International Conference Musica Ecclesiastica – Vetus et Nova, Association of Polish Composers (ZKP), Opole – Nysa (PL), 23–25 October 2013

  • Lecture: Georg Friedrich Händel – w służbie teatru czy kościoła? [G.F.Händel: In the Service of Theater or Church?]

41. International Conference Muzykologia polska u progu nowego stulecia: zakres, cel i metody  [Polish Musicology at the Beginning of the New Age: Scope, Purpose and Methods], Association of Polish Composers (ZKP), Radziejowice Palace (PL), 17–19 October 2012

  • Lecture: Improwizacja i inegalizacja a zapis muzyczny baroku [Improvisation and Inequality in the Music Notation of Baroque] (print: see «Articles and essays»)

International Conference «The European Sound in the Era of Liszt». The Musical Tour in the Nineteeth Century, Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Briosco, Villa Medici Giulini (IT), 30 September–2 October 2011

  • Lecture: Julian Fontana: A Virtuoso or a Poet of the Piano? (print: see «Articles and essays»)

International Scientific ConferenceIgnacy Jan Paderewski – Wirtuoz przywrócenia Europie Polski. Dziedzictwo wartości dla wyborów dzisiejszych [Ignacy Jan Paderewski. A Virtuoso of Returning Poland to Europe. A Legacy of Values for Contemporary Choices], The International I. Paderewski Society od Polish Music, Warsaw (PL), 20–21 June 2011

  • Lecture: I.J. Paderewski w oczach Ludwika Bronarskiego  [I.J. Paderewski in the Eyes of Prof. Ludwik Bronarski]

International Conference «Grandeur et finesse»: Chopin, Liszt and the Parisian Musical Scene, Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Lucca (IT), 2–4 December 2010

  • Lecture: Chopin and Liszt in Fontana’s Cuban Episode (print: see «Articles and essays»)

International Scientific Conference Julián Fontana. El introductor de Chopin en Cuba, Havana (CU), Museo Nacional de la Música, 5 May 2010

  • Lecture: Julian Fontana in Cuba: A Popularizer of Chopin’s Works and Creative Artist

The Third International Chopinological Congress (2010) Chopin 1810-2010. Ideas – Interpretations – Influences, National Chopin Institute (NIFC), Warsaw (PL), 25 February–1 March 2010

  • Lecture: Chopin – Liszt – Fontana: Intertextuelle Verbindungen (print: see «Articles and essays»)

International Conference After Chopin: Influence of Chopin’s Music on European Composers till the First World War, National Chopin Institute (NIFC), Warsaw (PL), 4–6 December 2008

  • Lecture: Julian Fontana: Between Individuality and Imitation (print: see «Articles and essays»)

Dictionary entries

Encyclopaedia entries for the website Dziedzictwo muzyki polskiej  [Polish Music Heritage] of the National Chopin Institute (NIFC) and the Polish Music Publishing House (PWM):

Chopin Lexicon, ed. by Prof. Mieczysław Tomaszewski, Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina (forthcoming). Entries:

  • Chopin’s Fascination of Romantic OperaHeksameronMajorkaThe Wodziński FamilyJulian FontanaStanisław Egbert KoźmianVincenzo BelliniJózef NowakowskiMarceli CelińskiBohdan ZaleskiAleksander HoffmanNorbert KumelskiDelfina PotockaMaurycy Mochnacki

Expert Opinions

A scientific expertise of the nineteenth-century collections of Polish music in the Bibliothèque nationale de Paris and the Bibliothèque polonaise à Paris (FR) as part of the project Dziedzictwo muzyki polskiej w dobie zaborów [Polish Music Heritage in the Age of Partitions]. A project commissioned by the Polish Music Publishing House (PWM) and the National Chopin Institute (NIFC), 2017

A scientific expert opinion of the archive of the pioneer of Chopinology, Prof. Ludwik Bronarski (1890–1975), in Fribourg/Marly (CH), Switzerland. A project commissioned by the National Chopin Institute (NIFC), 2010–2011


Spectacle Julian Fontana – in the Shadow of Chopin © Copyright by Magdalena Oliferko
The author of the concept and scenario of a spectacle based on previously unknown letters and works of Julian Fontana, describing his relationship with Chopin. It has been performed so far, among others, in:

  • 29.07.2009 –  Warsaw, the Łazienki King’s Palace, Festival ‘Chopiniana’ 2009
  • 25.01.2009 –  Hamburg, Ernst Barlach Haus, Concert serie ‘Klang & Form’
  • 19.10.2008 –  Paris, Salon Artistique Fibert
  • 21.09.2008   Warsaw, the Holy Cross Basilika
  • 03.05.2008 –  Nicosia, Zypern, Castelliotissa Hall
  • 15.10.2007 –  Warsaw, Frédéric Chopin Music University
  • 01.09.2007 –  Radziejowice Palace, XI Festival ‘Summer Meetings with Culture’
M. Oliferko, Fontana and Chopin in Letters, Warsaw 2013
M. Oliferko, Fontana i Chopin w listach, Warsaw 2009
The Sound of Empire: Soundscapes, Aesthetics and Performance between «Ancien Régime» and Restoration, ed. by Federico Gon and Emmanuel Reibel, Turnhout 2023
The Element of Dance in Music of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, ed. by Grzegorz Zieziula, Warsaw 2023
The Integration of a Work: from Miniature to Large Scale, ed. by Zofia Chechlińska and Jim Samson, Warsaw 2022
Długi wiek XIX w muzyce. Pytania – problemy – interpretacje  [Long 19th Century in Music: Questions – Problems – Interpretations], vol. I, ed. by Grzegorz Zieziula and Małgorzata Sułek, Warsaw 2020
Chopin 1810-2010: Ideas – Interpretations – Influences, ed. by Irena Poniatowska and Zofia Chechlińska, Warsaw 2017
The Lyric and the Vocal Element in Instrumental Music of the Nineteenth Century, ed. by Kamila Stępień-Kutera, Warsaw 2017
«Grandeur et finesse»: Chopin, Liszt and the Parisian Musical Scene, ed. by Luca Sala, Turnhout 2013
After Chopin: Influence of Chopin’s Music on European Composers till the First World War, ed. by Artur Szklener, Warsaw 2012